Alumnos del DP generando impacto
El Programa del Diploma IB desafía a los alumnos a descubrir lo extraordinario dentro de sí mismos y contribuir a un mundo mejor. Nuestros alumnos piensan críticamente sobre el mundo que los rodea, se comunican con elocuencia en varios idiomas, sirven a los demás con orgullo y empatía, lideran con integridad e ingresan al mundo universitario con confianza y listos para causar un impacto. Un ejemplo de la diversidad de nuestros alumnos es TEDx Youth en el JFK. TEDx Youth llegó al JFK a través de dos alumnas que se graduaron el año pasado: Mariana James y Julia Romero. Querían dejar un legado duradero al JFK y vieron a TEDx como una plataforma para compartir ideas, colaborar, inspirar a otros y expandir nuestros horizontes. Desde el éxito del evento del año pasado, y con la promesa a Julia y Mariana de mantenerlo funcionando todos los años en el JFK si era exitoso, tendremos nuestro segundo evento TEDx el 24 de marzo. Este evento está dirigido por las co-presidentas Ximena López y Hye Min Kim Jung. Puede registrarse en este evento en: Aquí hay tres ejemplos de nuestras conferencias TEDx Youth del evento del año pasado, para que puedan disfrutarlas. Conviértete en la mejor versión de ti mismo en el Programa del Diploma IB. Es el estilo de vida de un Jaguar.
Stages of the visit
In November, more than 200 documents from the three Programmes (PYP, MYP and DP) were sent to the IB. The documents are first reviewed by IB designated readers who do a preliminary review, and later they are reviewed by the visiting team to begin to understand, through the written documents, what we do in the school and how we do it.
In February, the report containing the school's self-study regarding all its Standards and Practices was sent to the IB. The entire academic staff, and a sample of students and parents for each programme, participated in the process. Based on the results of this self-study, the school designed a development plan that was also submitted to the IB and that we have already started to implement.
From March 28 to 30, the evaluation visit will take place remotely in our school. The visiting team is made up of 6 members, 2 for each programme. They will observe classes in addition to those that have been previously recorded and sent; They will have meetings with the Board, the leadership team, teachers, parents and students. On the 30th, at the end of the visit, we will have a Zoom Webinar session open to the entire community to learn about the results of the visit.
After the visiting team has integrated all the information sent in written documents together with the evidence collected during the visit; They will write the final report that our school will receive a few months after the visit.
At JFK we are very happy to carry out this process which, although it is long, bears many fruits so that we can continue to grow as a school and always offer the best education to our students.
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